Sunday, April 30, 2017

RAPTURE: " First the Rapture or the demise of America?" Don Koenig

First the Rapture or the demise of America?

Those expecting anyone to make America great again simply have no concept of tnhe prophetic years that we live in. First the Rapture before 2030, after that, the end time prophetic events take place over at least 7 years. 10.5 years is my best guess but it could be more or less. Therefore, there simply is not enough time left to make America great again even if the people of America were to suddenly change directions and seek God and obey Him.
Nevertheless, look around….Most Americans are not accepting the true gospel and are not repenting of their sins.
Good is quite often said to be evil in America and evil is now quite often said to be good. Americans say they have become enlightened but they have become blinded by their love of sin. They say they have evolved on just about everything but they really have devolved to act like brute beasts. Many in this country have already been given over to a reprobate mind (Rom 1).
The demise of America is now unstoppable because many in it choose to love evil. The Rapture will occur long before any great positive moral changes can possibly change our path. I would love to be wrong, but I think The demise of America certainly cannot be stopped by anyone saying that they want to make America great again..
Those “Christians” claiming there will be some great revival in America usually are into some form of prosperity, Word of Faith, or Dominion Theology. They deny that there will be any Rapture or literal fulfillment of end time prophecies or Revelation. Their delusion gives them plenty of time in their mind to believe American can change and become great again. Even so, the time to change America does not exist because the Rapture is at the door. It will occur. within 10 to 15 years.
When the bride of Christ is removed what happens to America greatness is rather irrelevant. She is not in Bible prophecy and she won’t be leading the restored Jewish kingdom either. That is biblical truth for you left behind Mormons. After the second coming, Jesus will rule the world from Jerusalem Israel and Mormons will not be ruling it.
How do you make America great again in a decade when it takes more than a decade to rebuild a military and an economy that has spent so far beyond its means that national default or hyperinflation becomes inevitable? How do you make America great again in a decade when communists have brainwashed Americans for a century through the public fool system and the media. The majority of people in America no longer believe anything that God said in His word that they would not personally agree with.
Secular humanism is the law of the land and America’s spirituality is now a Christianized version of New Age Pantheism. God is a force that can be anything they want Him to be.
Their God speaks to them mystically because studying God’s word takes spiritual rebirth, personal discipline and study. The Bible also does not tell those looking for new knowledge what they want to hear. The God neo-Gnostics hear are either demonic voices or the God they made in their own mind. America is not going to be made great again in its rebellion againt
the God of the Bible. The next major positive event for true Christians in America is the Rapture of the Church. The only question in my mind is what comes first, the Rapture or the fall of America into turmoil and oblivion.
Without true Christians as a buffer, Americans have the weapons and the mindset to start killing each other like no other nation on earth can. Without true Christians every faction in America would be against every other faction. The killing fields of Cambodia would be a mild example of what would take place in America after true believers are removed.
The elite of the world fully intend to have globalism in place by 2030. The Pope also is pushing hard for globalism before 2030. They know that the earth is a tinderbox. They know that you either have globalism or world war between nations will destroy civilization on earth. I have news. We soon will have both.
The military of Russia is rapidly gearing up for the Ezekiel 38 and 39 end time war. Russia is an ally of Iran. Bible prophecy says Persia (Iran and Turkey) come with Russia in the Ezekiel war. Russia opposes Sunni sponsored terrorism and aggression. It now looks like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon will be under the control of the Iranian Shiite banner. The Saudis, Jordan, and Egypt are majority Sunni nations that now oppose Iran and they apparently do not come against the land of Israel with Russia. The last piece of the puzzle is why majority Sunni Turkey comes with Russia? Perhaps Turkey’s government becomes secular again and its professional led military joins with the northern forces. The prophetic stage is now being set although exactly how it all plays out it debatable.
Europe is heading for a disastrous civil war and/or a total police state within a decade. London is now 40 percent foreign-born. Who could have predicted such a rapid change in just a few decades?  Islam is now the religion of 1/4 of the people living in Brussels, and other European cities are rapidly heading toward that same point of no return.
Allowing Muslims into secular nations that retain Jihad and Sharia law has been a very short-sighted idealistic foolish policy. Populist strong men will now arise in Europe because of the threat that immigration and Islam brings. Strong men of their era have tried to recreate the Roman Empire since it fell. Islam and the violence it brings against native Europeans is the dire threat that will make it happen.
The world is heading toward situations that cannot be resolved peacefully. For dozens of reasons, I simply do not see prophetic end time events about the end of the age being delayed beyond the 2030’s. If that is true, the Rapture is somewhat sooner. Almost certainly the Rapture will occur before the late 2020’s.
That means there is about a decade before the true Church is removed. It might not even be that long. Will America have a great awaking in just one decade that would make America great again? What would be the purpose of such a restored America?  She would be restored by God to lead the world only to go into the great trial that is coming on all that dwell upon the earth (Rev 3:10)? That is not logical.
One reason that God allowed America to become great was so that His people could send missionaries to the world to give them the gospel. Now America is exporting its sins to the world. The blind are leading the blind everywhere in America, even in many of our churches. Americans would rather believe doctrines of demons than the word of God.
The most prominent churches in America seem to be more like the Harlot of Revelation 17 than any part of the bride of Christ. After the Rapture of the true Church, the churches of America will not even miss the Bible believers. They will go on teaching social justice, prosperity, positive confession and receiving mystical experiences until the ten kings that rule the earth turn on that Harlot and burn her with fire in the great tribulation (Rev 17:16).
This is the fate of Christendom in the West in about one decade. And yet, many want to bet on narcissistic people making America great again? Fat chance of that happening!
If you are one of those that want to believe that you will be fighting the return of the Nephelium from Planet X or some alternative Hornology found on Sky Watch TV and the Internet, it could even happen. However, if you are still around to witnesses the casting out of the fallen Angels unto the earth you have also missed the taking away of the blood bought Bride of Christ. You will then have to pay with your own blood when the forces of the Beast and his False prophet tell you to worship the Beast or take part in their new realty show, “Taking Selfies While Watching Your Own Heads Roll”.
If you do not believe in first the Rapture, don’t shoot the messenger. I think I give reasonable Bible believing people ample proof of a pretribulation Rapture in my article. If you still do not want to believe in the pretribulation Rapture, that will not make America great again. America will continue on its current demise because the people choose to love evil. Even so, the Bible teaches first the Rapture to remove the faithful Christians. Only after the faithful bride of Christ is taken out of the world will the tribulation trial take place to try all that dwell upon the earth (Rev 3:10).

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