Sunday, April 30, 2017

BOOK: "What The World Is Coming To" by Chuck Smith ( Commentary on the Book of Revelation) Pg 1

What The World Is Coming To 
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation 
by Chuck Smith 

Preface Forewarning

  1. 1.The Revelation
  2.  2.Four Messages 
  3. 3.Three Messages 
  4. 4.The Rapture 
  5. 5.Who Owns the Earth?
  6.  6.Bad News 
  7. 7.Two Special Groups 
  8. 8.Calamities 
  9. 9.Misery, Woe, and Suffering 
  10. 10.Foreshadowing of the King 
  11. 11.Two Special Agents 
  12. 12.People and Places 
  13. 13.The Antichrist 
  14. 14.Final Warning 
  15. 15.The Plagues Are Coming! 
  16. 16.A World of Despair 
  17. 17.Counterfeit Church 
  18. 18.Bankruptcy 
  19. 19.Jesus Comes Again 
  20. 20.The Perfect Government 
  21. 21.Our New Address 
  22. 22.Peace Like a River 


Many people say, "Stay out of the book of Revelation. That's a sealed book and you really can't understand it."

It's true that, by attempting to interpret Revelation, people have done many weird things with it. But, in reality, it's a book that was not intended to be sealed. It was intended to be read and understood. In this commentary on the book of Revelation we have sought to express concepts and conclusions drawn after years of study.

We do not ask you just to accept them because we have stated them, but we urge you to search the Scriptures to see if these things be so. The Bible says, These [people of Berea] were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Acts 17:11).

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